Architecture Summer Programs

We have reached the unofficial start of summer; school is out, and it is the start of June.  If you have NOT yet made definite summer plans, NOW is the time to research and choose an Architecture Summer Program for Summer 2024.  Some programs may already be full but do contact other programs.

If you want some insight on the process of selecting a summer program, check out this article:

Selecting a Summer Program

While the listing has been posted since last fall, we have been updating it until now.  We have reached out to all the institutions via email and visited all the websites of the summer programs to update the information.  We have over 200 programs are fully listed.  A handful more will be updated in the coming weeks.  When completed, the listing will have close to 250 programs.  So, check now and continue to come back for updates.

For each program, we list the following:

  • Institution – Program Title
  • Format (Online, In-Person, Hybrid)
  • Region (Northeast, Middle Atlantic, Gulf, East Central, West Central, West, International)
  • Contact Information (Email, Address, City, State, Phone)
  • Website of Program (URL)
  • Dates
  • Cost – Cost is listed in ranges

$0 (no cost),

$ = $1 – $1,000

$$ = $1,001 – $2,500

$$$ = $2501 – $5,000

$$$$ = Above $5,000

  • Target Audience
  • Narrative Description

Clearly, most programs have moved to an in-person format for this summer, but a few of the programs will still host their program in either an online or hybrid format.  Be sure to monitor each program for any adjustment to their format.  Do confirm the information by visiting the program website and / or contacting the program.  Be sure to contact the program about scholarships; many offer scholarships and some programs are even free.

Since 2022, the Architecture Summer Program listing has been done via AirTable (see image above) allowing you to fully search the list; in addition, you can sort the list by any of the fields as noted above.  And you can filter by each field.  For example, you could filter the list by State = CA (California).  Finally, you can download the full listing by CSV (Comma Separated Values) which allows you to have the list on your own device.

The Architecture Summer Program listing is posted at the following:

Architecture Summer Programs

We wish you well in your quest for academic success and do let us know how we can help you.



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